Garden and Yard

Lawn Care 101 The Right Cut

Lawn Care 101: The Right Cut

The most beautiful gardens usually boast well-maintained ground cover. For this, grass has been traditionally used, and there are many varieties to choose from based on both aesthetics, convenience, and climate requirements. However, creative gardeners have discovered that moss and other plants make for beautiful ground cover as well. Not only are such alternative options

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Softened Water What is it and How Does it Benefit Your Garden

Softened Water: What is it and How Does it Benefit Your Garden?

More than 13.1 million households in America face food insecurity. Yet, people are embracing and researching more on kitchen gardens to increase food supply. One of the common queries is the use of softened water on outdoor and indoor gardens. For most homeowners, soft water is preferable because it doesn’t contain minerals that affect appliances.

Softened Water: What is it and How Does it Benefit Your Garden? Read More »

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