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You may notice a unique smell when you enter a relative or friend’s home. If the scent is good, it can produce a relaxing feeling. However, if there’s a foul odor, it can cause you to react negatively. Have you paid attention to the scents coming from your house? Following a few tips can create a pleasant smell in your home.
Tip #1 – Slowly Heat Ground Cinnamon and Cloves
The smell of baked goods can be pleasant. If you have a grandmother who bakes frequently, you know how good this scent is. By pouring one or two teaspoons of cloves and ground cinnamon on a baking sheet and letting it sit in a 200 degrees oven for 30 minutes with the door ajar, you can emulate the smell of baking and fill your home with a pleasant spicy scent.
Tip #2 – Use Your Fireplace

The crackling sound and aesthetics can be comforting if you have a fireplace. Throwing a few orange or lemon peels into the flames can help enhance this experience and smell good. The flammable oils in each peel should burn longer than paper.
Tip #3 – Warming Up Vanilla
Another cozy scent that’s pleasant to smell is warmed vanilla extract. Place a few drops in a dish and bake it for 30 minutes in your oven at 200 degrees. You can also add lemon or orange zest to the bowl, which produces a citrusy twist to this scent.
Tip #4 – Vinegar Helps Deodorize
Are you trying to eliminate unpleasant odors? Using vinegar is a perfect solution to this problem. Leave a glass of vinegar on your kitchen counter overnight to help ensure the area smells fresh by morning. You can also try simmering a half cup on the stove to remove unpleasant smells.
Tip #5 – Hang and Dry Herbs

Drying herbs, such as bay leaf and sage, can also be a great way to create pleasant aromas in your home. Hang them in your kitchen, and you’ll have ingredients to add to one or more meals.
Tip #6 – Simmer Herbs on Your Stove
You can also use herbs on your stovetop to make your home smell good. Simmer a pot of cloves, orange peels, cinnamon sticks and apple slices in an uncovered pot. Other choices include bay leaves, fresh ginger, rosemary, peppercorns and cranberries.
Tip #7 – Roasting Coffee Beans
Roasted coffee beans can create another pleasant smell in your home. Take a few coffee beans and roast them on a cookie sheet in the oven with the door slightly cracked open for 10 minutes at 400 degrees to generate a fantastic aroma.
Tip #8 – Create a Pleasant Room Spray
Simmering herbs and fruits, like lavender, eucalyptus and lemon peels, in a stovetop pot can also be helpful. After infusing the water, transfer it to a spray bottle. Spraying this concoction throughout your home should act as a natural deodorizer and make each space smell better. As an alternative to this tip, use only lemons and have them simmer on your stovetop for a few hours. They should make your home smell great throughout all rooms.
Tip #9 – Scented Candles

You can also use scented candles to fill your house with pleasant aromas. A tip to utilize when using scented candles is to leave them unlit in several rooms in your home. Placing one in a bedroom, bathroom or linen closet should produce a lovely aroma in each area.
Tip #10 – Use Perfume With Your Vacuum Cleaner
If you want your house to smell good and have a favorite perfume, soak a cotton ball with a few drops and place it in your vacuum cleaner bag. As you perform your chores in each room, it should gently release the smell into the air.
Tip #11 – Keeping the Kitchen Drain Fresh
Is rotten food sitting in your kitchen drain, making your kitchen smell unpleasant? Solve this problem fast by using baking soda and white vinegar. Add a cap of vinegar and a teaspoon of baking soda to your kitchen drain when you want it to smell fresh and clean.
Tip #12 – Used a Scented Cleaner
For a great-smelling home, you can also use scented cleaners. However, your first move should be to remove any stinky sources. These culprits can include dirty rugs, litter boxes or full trash bags. After eliminating the problem, use a scented cleaner to freshen up the area with one or two quick wipes.
Tip #13 – Homemade Pet Deodorizer
Making a homemade pet deodorizer can also be a lifesaver if you have dogs or cats. To make it, add three tablespoons of rubbing alcohol and 8 to 12 drops of essential oils to two cups of distilled water. Use it in a spray bottle around your home where each pet lives. Cleaning up accidents fast and using this spray for odors should work well.
The right ingredients, often sourced from the right locations, are very important for creating great fragrances. Françoise Demachy, a perfumer at the house of Dior highlights the same fact in the documentary Nose, available on Prime Video. Having a list of ingredients on hand and some recipes for making your home smell the best it can be is a great way to stay ahead of foul odors. Try different tips until you find the ones you like the best.