Ways to Save Power at Home

Ways to Save Power at Home

With the new year comes new responsibilities. 2019 was a year for the world to realize just how serious the threat of global warming really is. With that being said, it is time we take measures into our own hands. We are all responsible for our own actions and should take the right precautions to ensure our carbon footprint is not a heavy and visible one. The best part about saving the earth and our resources is that we can do this right from home.

That’s right. You can do your part in helping the fight against global warming right from your own home. How can you do this?

As you know, energy is a crucial element of everyday life. We consume energy and power without even realizing it. Energy is used for driving cars and flying planes. It is used for charging our phones and even for watching TV. We use energy in almost everything we do without even realizing it. However, energy comes at a high cost. Most energy that is consumed all over the world is made from natural resources such as fossil fuels, coal or natural gas. The price we pay for these resources is becoming a bigger and bigger burden for the earth to carry. Natural resources are consumed heavily, and because of that, they are running out at a greater rate. As the population keeps increasing, so do our resources. Aside from that, extracting these natural resources is becoming more of a burden, too. The burning of these resources is causing severe climate change and hurting the atmosphere greatly. While there are now several countries that are using alternative methods to consume energy, other parts of the world are yet to follow suit. Until we can all find alternative ways to consume energy, here are some ways that you can do so from the comfort of your own home.

How Can I Save Power at Home?

Saving power from home is one of the easiest things we can do. It can be as simple as turning off a light you aren’t using. The best part is that even doing these small things can benefit the world in the long run. You could be saving the world and reducing your own carbon footprint just by turning off an extra light. Cool, right? Here are more tips you can consider to save power at home:

Unplug devices that are not in use

Does your toaster always remain plugged in while it sits on your kitchen counter? Even though you only use your toaster once a day? Unplug, unplug, unplug! Unplug devices and appliances that you are not using to save energy consumption. Even keeping things like your microwave or television on standby consumes energy. Not only does that increase your power consumption, but it also adds to your electricity bill. Only plug-in appliances when you are using them to save power.

Don’t forget to turn off that extra light!

Are you leaving a room? Turn the light off. Leaving on extra lights adds extra consumption of power. Unless the light is an LED Bulb, known to save energy, turn it off every time you leave a room. Even if you are leaving for a few minutes, you are saving a generous amount of energy. Even the smallest things have a surprising effect on power consumption.

Try the air drying method

While it may seem like a long process, air drying can help you save a lot of power. We often forget just how powerful the sun really is for heating and drying wet clothes or dishes. When you’re doing your laundry, instead of tossing your clothes in the dryer, try laying them out in the sun instead. When you need to wash dishes, try doing them by hand instead of in the dishwasher and letting them air dry in a dish rack. These methods may seem tedious, but they may even help you save a lot of money on your electricity bill, too. Dishwashers and washer/dryer machines take up a lot of power. Instead of using them to their full capacity, try air drying. Once you get into the hang of it, you might find it to be a better option for you, too.

Keep tabs on your thermostat – and your air conditioner

While nothing beats the cool air of the AC on a hot summer day, your air conditioner is probably one of the biggest strains on your power consumption. Sometimes, we turn our air conditioners on very high without realizing that cool air could be hindered due to the vents. You don’t need to keep your thermostat on the lowest temperature just for maximum coolness. Air sometimes doesn’t come through all the way because we don’t have clean filters or forget to check if they are completely open. Also, keeping your thermostat on the lowest temperature (i,e. the coldest temperature) means you are consuming the most power. AC’s also have an energy saver mode which you can switch on to ensure you are still saving power. Keep your thermostat at a neutral level and clean out your air filters every few weeks to ensure you are not over-consuming energy. On windy days, try opening a window instead of using the air conditioner. That might help you save power, too.

Consume less gas as much as you can

One of the most surprising consumers of power and energy are gas appliances. This means your oven as well as your shower. Water requires gas to heat it. When you take long, hot showers, you are consuming energy without even realizing. Try taking a colder shower as often as you can to save energy. Ovens are also a consumer of energy by running on gas. Instead of an oven, try using a microwave or microwave oven that does not run on gas. This will help you save power, too.


With these tips, you should be able to save energy in your home effectively. Change starts one step at a time. Making these changes in your home could be the first step for you. We all hold power to make the world a better place to live in. After all, it is our duty to help the world we live in as it is our home. Remember, it is never too late to start saving power. No action is a small action, and each action has a better reaction. You may even be surprised at the outcome of saving power for yourself. Good luck!

source/credit: plateauelectrical.com.au

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