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As we all know, kitchens get messy really quickly. In order to prepare one meal, you are leaving a huge mess behind you and often it takes longer to clean it than cooking the meal. That is mainly why kitchens need so much maintenance and cleaning. Even if your kitchen is an old one you still want it to look nice, so here are some of the best kitchen maintenance tips to keep your kitchen new and fresh for a long time.
Clean Your Dishwasher
Even though the dishwasher partiality cleans itself, you should also clean it every month inside and out. Remove any gunk from the drain, if it has a manual filter take it out and wash it in the sink. When you’re not cleaning your dishwasher regularly, it will get clogged up and break down. Another thing that you can do is use a toothpick to clean the little holes from any buildup. Make sure that you do it regularly to keep it not only working efficiently as possible but also keep it looking new.
Regularly Clean Your Range Hood Filter
As you probably know, hood filters get pretty nasty and greasy and that is why you need to clean them once in a while. It will not only make your kitchen look fresh and new but it will make your hood work better. Some filters are safe to put in a dishwasher, but if it’s not you can put them in the sink and wash them. All you need is to submerge them in boiling hot water and add baking soda and soap. Let it soak in there for 30 minutes and then rub it and rinse it. It is very important that you let it dry completely before you put them back in. as the filters are drying take a look at your hood and see if there are any spots that need to be wiped down.
Keep Your Backsplash Looking Fresh

There is nothing that will make your kitchen look amazing and new other than having a nice clean backsplash. But it also serves a purpose and it can get quite dirty. To keep your kitchen looking fresh and new make sure that you wipe down any grease stains every week when you are doing your big weekly clean-up. To keep it sparkling clean make sure that you get in there and clean the grout with a toothbrush.
Don’t Forget to Clean the Stovetop and Oven
Sometimes it is just unavoidable to keep your oven and stovetop clean. That is why you need to make sure that you are cleaning them regularly to prevent anything from smelling bad or even catching on fire. Once a month make sure that you are cleaning all the little pars and the inside of your oven. When you are cleaning your oven make sure that you check if it needs any oven repairs.
De-Stink Your Garbage Disposal
Your kitchen won’t feel clean if your garbage disposal is smelly. It gets pretty gross because of all the things that you end up putting down and it is just bound to get smelly once in a while. To get rid of the smell all you need to do is cut up a lemon into small pieces and run them down the garbage disposal until they are completely gone. But don’t forget to do your monthly drain maintenance so it doesn’t get clogged and ruin your whole kitchen.
Always Wash as You Go
There is nothing that will make your kitchen look fresh and new than simply washing as you go instead of letting everything pile up. Once you get in the flow of cleaning as you are cooking, it will become a breeze to clean up after meals.
Descale Your Appliances
Not a lot of people realize that anything that has contact with water like coffee makers or dishwashers need to be descaled one in a while. Even though it can be quite gross it will make your kitchen as amazing as it was when it was brand new. Descaling means that you are removing all the minerals deposit that has built up over time. The white chalky residue is really bad for your health but it is also the thing that shortens the lifespan of your appliances. There are so many different cleaning solutions you can buy but you can also make your own. All you need is water vinegar. Even though it has quite a pungent smell it works amazing.
If you are descaling your coffee maker all you need to do is run its brew cycle with your solution of choice. After you have run your cleaning solution make sure that you run at least two cycles with just water to make sure all the solution is out. But if you are cleaning your dishwasher, put your cleaning solution in a dishwasher-safe bowl and put it in a bottom rack and run it empty with just that bowl in it.
Keep it Minimal

One thing that will make everything much easier is keeping things minimalistic. Instead of having tons of different containers and jars that don’t have their own spots so they are just wherever to keep it minimal. Go through your cupboards and pantry and get rid of all the things that you don’t use on a regular basis. That will not only create more space but it will be easier to maintain as well as look cleaner.
The last thing that will make you more motivated to keep your kitchen clean and looking as new is to create a space that you are in love with. When you actually like how your kitchen looks you will be motivated to maintain it. Decorate it how you like it add all the little things that make you happy and that you love. That will both make it look inciting but it will help you maintain it.
Here at Alternative Mindset, we tackled posts related to kitchen, cleaning and home maintenance. Keep browsing our blog and enjoy the other articles.